The article titled "10 Reasons Why Failure is Important" caught my attention right off the bat. Perhaps I was enticed to read this article because I felt like there would be a list (which I happen to like) or maybe because it had an easy to read graphic that was informative. The overall message of this post was that it is OK to fail because failing means that you tried, that you're human, and that you can learn from your failures to become better. Even before this class I tried to keep that mentality in mind if I failed at something or if I messed something up and I would do what we call in the military an AAR (after action review) on myself to examine my weak points and strong points so that I can change and become better. I think that more people should use the mindset of failing is OK as long as they are striving to become better and not shrugging it off while being complacent.
Why Failure is Important
The next article I read was "Make Good Art: Neil Gaiman's Advice on the Creative Life, adapted by Design Legend Chip Kidd". In this article Neila Gaiman's message was that failure was not the end of the world, contrary to popular belief. Essentially making mistakes is a good thing because you are broadening your horizons and trying new things. He also states that if you're scared to do something then you should do it which meant a lot to me. Often times I get so caught up in my fear that I try to talk myself out of doing something, I have to remind myself that to fear something is good because it can help you grow. We will never know how fruitful an opportunity is if we don't take it because we are letting fear hold us back.. and that can be one of the biggest mistakes we can make.
Image info: Success and Failure:
I used to be the same way when I made mistakes! It would be like deafcon 1. It was bad. It's important to allow ourselves the freedom to make mistakes without the fear of retribution from ourselves. How we handle mistakes can really shape the people we become.