Monday, November 5, 2018

Reading Notes: The Gods, Part A

There was a lot of evil deeds occurring and so the gods gathered together to hash out a plan in an attempt to keep the evil deeds at bay. Siwa, the god of gods was asked to create a being who would check evil thoughts before they were able to become evil deeds. Ganesha, Lord of Wisdom was born to keep people from acting out their evil ideas. He is the remover of difficulties by those who seek him. Sani would not look at him, he explained to Uma that he had a curse cast upon him and must destroy any being that he looks at. Uma demanded that he look at Ganesha so he did. When Sani did so Ganesha's head was severed and ended up where Krishna was, in a whole different land. Siwa had his servants go in search of a new head, they were to take a head from the first creature that they saw. This is how Ganesha ended up with an elephant head. He is still one of the first gods that people in prayer call upon.

Picture info: Lord Ganesha

Source Info:     
Tales of Ancient India   
by Edmund Charles Cox, (1887).

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