Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part A

Characters and The Princes of Elephant City
King Bharata- dead king
Vichitravvirya- king of Hastinapura.. also died
Dhritarashtra- older, blind son of Vichitravirya, brother of Pandu
Pandu- younger brother of Dhritarashtra, son of Vichtravira
        Pandu has 5 sons by 2 women
        Yudhisthira, Bhima, and Arjuna by Kunti
        Nakula and Sahadeva by Madri
        All 5 sons are called the Pandavas- son of gods

Dhri becomes king when Pandu dies
     Dhri and his wife Gandhari have 100 sons
     Oldest son is Duryodhana
     100 sons are called Kauravas

The Kauravas and Pandavas are the Bharatas.. descendants of Bharata.. dead king form above.

Drona- the boys' teacher
     He has the boys attack his enemy

Drupada- Droma's enemy, he's a king
Draupadi- girl who appeared when Drupada prays to the gods

Dury plots to kill Yudhi and his family b/c he was named king.
Vidura- Pandu and Dhri half bro.. he warns them and they escape

Hidimba and Baka:
the family flee into the forest as disguised peseants.
Hidimba and sister Hidimbi plan to eat them
Hidimbi falls in love with Bhima and warns him of Hidimba's plan
Bhima kills Hidimba and marries Hidimbi but Bhima leaves to go back to family
Bhima kills demon Baka when he arrives.. demon was making family give blood tax

The Winning of Draupadi: 
Draupadi is a sought after woman
There's an archery contest for her marriage
Karna almost wins but Arjuna who is still in disguise wins
Arjuna fights Karna, and Bhima fights king Shayla
Arjuna wins
Kunti tells Arjuna to share his winnings, not realizing he won a bride so he shares with his 4 brothers and she is wife to 5 men
Her father was happy to know they are royalty when he finds out from following but is angry she marries all 5.. finally agrees

The Adventures of Prince Arjuna:
Bhishma tells Dury to make peace with Pandavas once he realizes they're alive
The Pandavas get half of the kingdom and build a city
Arjuna enters Draupadi's room while Yudhish was in there and goes into exile in the forest
Yudhish goes to underwater world with water nymph Ulupi and they wed
In a dream the fire-god Agni tells Yudhish to burn the Khandava forest and destroy the nagas who live under protection of Indra
Agni gives Arjuna the gandiva bow, and arrows from the sea-god Varuna.. Arjuna is son of Indra
Arjuna sets forest on fire
Indra appears and pours rain down to put fire out

Arjune and Subhadra: 
Nagas flee and all are killed except Maya
Arjuna goes to Dwarka and meets Subhadra.. they wed
Subhadra is sister of Krishna
Subhadra and Arjuna go back to Indraprastha
Maya builds a palace for the Pandavas
Yudh declares himself emperor
Krishna tells him to kill king Jarasandha to be ruler
Bhima goes to wrestle the king and wins by tearing him in half
All captives are freed

Yudhishthira's Gambling: 
The palace where Dury lives is an illusion
Gamble ensues
Yudh losses his brothers, himself and Draupadi
Dury drags Draupadi by her hair, rips her clothes off but clothes are replaced by divine intervention
Bhima vows to drink Dushasana's blood and break his thigh
King Dhristarashtra gives her wishes.. she wishes all were free.. they are
Another bet goes down and the Pandavas go into exile for 12 years

Bhima and the Serpent
Endless food is supplied by the sun-god
People who followed them have food to eat
Vyasa tells Arjuna to find his father Indra for celestial weapons
He climbs the Himalayas
A hidden Indra tells him to find Shiva first
Arjuna battles a boar and realizes it's Shiva
Shiva goes away and Indra gives Arjuna golden armor
He returns to his brothers
Bhima goes missing.. Yudh finds him in the grip of a snake
Yudh answers the snakes question and a man appears
King Nahusha appears and is released from his curse b/c Yudh answers all of his questions

    Picture info: Arjuna and Subhadra Leave Dwarka with Krishna

Source info: Mahabharata. The Indian Heroes: Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City by C. A. Kincaid. (1921). 

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