Monday, October 29, 2018

Wikipedia Trail from Dragons to Loki

I started my wiki trail out with dragons, I read a story from the other class that used these creatures and made me want to learn more. From there I looked up Norse mythology since I have always been a bit interested in it. I found it interesting that they had gods and goddesses for things like apples but I was more interested in learning about a skiing goddess they had so I went to check out Skaoi. Skaoi was not a let down and is an interesting goddess, I mean a goddess for skiing could only be that. On that page I saw that she was connected to Loki and was interested in learning about him. I went to the Loki page and learned that he is said to have helped the gods or may have been mischievous. Previously I had thought that he was only mischievous and was not a helpful deity.

Image info: Loki is being tortured with a serpents dripping venom. The goddess Skaoi is said to have bound Loki and placed the serpent over him.

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