Friday, November 30, 2018

Story Lab: Writers Write

C.S. Lewis advice:
-be clear with what you mean, make sure that you aren't meaning something else in your sentence.
-use the direct word rather than a long, vague one.
-don't use abstract nouns, use concrete ones.. i.e. "more people died" instead of "mortality rose".
-don't use the adjectives we want people to feel but rather describe it in such a way that they will feel like that without us telling them to.
-don't use words to big for the subject or you'll not have anything else to talk about when needing that word i.e "infinitely" in place of "very".

Source: Rules for Writers by Amanda Patterson

All About Parts of Speech:
-parts of speech: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, interjection.
-noun: a naming word, identifies people, places, or things.
          common noun- identified with 'a', 'an', or 'the'.
          proper nouns- names given to people, places, days, months, ideologies, subjects or titles
          pronouns- substitutes for nouns.. i.e I, hers, myself, who
              4 types of pronouns: personal, possessive, relative and reflexive
          abstract nouns- something that cannot be seen, touched, or measured, such as a feeling or emotion
-adjectives: a word that describes a noun, 2 kinds
          attributive- stands next to a noun and describes it; usually in front of the noun
          predicative- when a verb separates it from the noun or pronoun it describes
-conjunctions: join words, sentences, phrases or clauses
-articles: give info about nouns; 'a' and 'the'
          indefinite article- 'a'
          definite article- 'the'
-pronouns: used in place of nouns referring to specific people or things
          subjective pronouns- personal pronouns: I, you, we, he , she, it.. act as the subject
          objective pronouns- personal pronouns: me, you, us, him, her, it, and them.. act as the object; being done to pronoun
           possessive pronouns: mine, yours, hers, his, ours and theirs
           reflexive pronouns- end in -self or selves
-adverbs: descriptive words used to qualify (mostly) verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs
           9 type of adverbs: time, place, manner, degree, frequency, probability, duration, emphasis, interrogative
-prepositions: connect nouns and pronouns with other words in a sentence; usually give info about time, place, and direction
Source: All About Parts of Speech by Amanda Patterson

Parts of speech

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Wikipedia Trail from Lillith to

While watching the video "Seven Secrets of the Goddess", a name came up that I seem to hear more often than previously. The name is Lilith. Lilith apparently is a figure in Jewish mythology but it is believed that she is linked to even older mythology in ancient Mesopotamia literature and religion. Ancient Mesopotamian religion was practiced between the years 3500 B.C and 400 A.D. The Sumerians of Mesopotamia were the first peoples to create city-states, and they called each ruler of these city-states, "ensi". The word "ensi" translates to "lord of the plowland". During the Third Dynasty of Ur, ensi referred to the governor of the kingdom rather than the small city states. Ensi's during this time were often associated with more power than in previous times. During the Uruk period however, they had the most power. The Uruk period took place between 4000- 3100 B.C, often refereed to as the Copper Age.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Reading Notes: Gaia's Secret Part B

-rural cultures desired fertility
-urban cultures desired obedience
-it was forced thru men
-more rules created during city buildings
-city was masculine invention
-yang and yin in Chinese culture are 2 opposing forces that work in harmony to create life
-yang is like masculine and like dragon in the sky
-yin is feminine and like the earth or the Phoenix.. regenerates from its own ashes, no superior or inferior
-in Confucianism, inequality emerges and equality becomes more important
-the emperor is to sit on the thrown in the city and bring order to earth where there is chaos
-patriarchal society links women with nature and men with cult, just as culture domesticates nature, men are asked to the same for women.
-Mesopotamia epic.. god king defeats primal female and brings order to the world
-apparent in Greek myth where Zeus chased and raped nymphs across the land, fathering offspring
-in Japanese mythology, the first man and the first woman stir the ocean to create the islands of Japan, build a house with a pillar, populate when they meet.
-they meet and the woman speaks, demons are born but when the man speaks, normal people are born.. obvious that its the need to make women subservient to men.
-the sun goddess, shares the sky with her brother the moon god.. the goddess of earth is trapped by the moon god and creates day and night

-all these stories show that women are not as equal or valuable as men.

-pandora opens the box of evil.. a woman who opens an evil box
-men were told to be wary from all men and that they are all the problems of life
-eve breaks the law of god and compels Adam to do so.. even is subservient.
-Lilith was his first wife but refused to be obedient so was cast out and became the mother of all monsters and demons.
-men were valued by what they had, women included as their belongings.. isolation of women began.
-the greater the isolation, the greater the desire of women.. which is why Snow White is so appealing.. she's a virgin in isolation.
-1,000 Greek ships were sent to get Helen]
-After the fall of the Trojans, the women were taken back to Greece

The Yin and the Yang

Source: Seven Secrets of the Goddess by Devdutt Pattanaik (2016).

Friday, November 23, 2018

Reading Notes: Gaia, Part A

-the earth mother in greek mythology
-cronus was able to leave gaia's womb by her castrating his father
-Aphrodite rose from the blood drops
-irenes goddess of retribution
-cronus declared himself king and ate his own children to keep them from overtaking him
-gaia saves one son, zeus
-zeus kills cronus
-zeus declares himself king of gods
-inuit told a story similar.. seagulls attack humans and.. one dies and when she sinks to the bottom of the ocean, her limbs turning into marine life.
-people who want to hunt need to appease her and get permission from shamans
-india speaks of primal one, Adya.. took the form of a bird, laid 3 unfertilized eggs
-Bhrama, Shiva, and Vishnu were born from them
-she was set on fire and turned to ash
-from ash came 3 goddesses: sarawati, parvati, and Lakshmi.. all became Bhrama, Shiva and Vishnu's wives.
-grama devis came from the ash and they are deities in every human settlement
-in Egypt there was attum

Mother Earth: also known as Gaia

Source: Seven Secrets of Goddess by Devdutt Pattanaik

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Wikipedia Trail from Jasper National Park to Paleo-Eskimo

With my winter vacation quickly approaching I was curious about Jasper National Park in Canada. My boyfriend and I have plans to visit Jasper National Park and spend a few days there. From the wikipedia trail starting with Jasper, I went to the next page that talks about the Arctic Ocean as this is a desolate place that has unknown history and fascinates me. It is the shallowest of the oceans and is almost completely surrounded by land masses. Some of the oldest history that has been discovered dates back to the Pre-Dorset times which were 3200- 850 B.C. During this time the Paleo-Eskimo culture lived in the arctic. Paleo-Eskimo peoples lived in what is now modern day Russia, across North America and into Greenland. They were gradually displaced by the Dorset culture.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Week 13: Ursa Minor

There once lived a great bear king named Urso who lived and loved greatly. Bar loved so deeply that he had two wives, one named Ursala and the other named Orsa. Each of his wives gave birth to a son; Ursala's named her son Ursulito, and Orsa named her son Borso.
Now legend has it that Ursula was a bear of infinite wisdom and wit but was not pleasant to look at, while Orsa had enough beauty to make up for what Ursula lacked. Unfortunately all of the bears in the kingdom would run away in disgust when they laid eyes on Ursula and even her son Ursulito, for he took after his mother and also lacked the looks. Although Ursala did not receive much attention from her towns bears she was content, all she needed was the attention and affection of her husband.
Over the years, Urso began to give more and more attention to Ursula as they continued to grow in their relationship. Urso and Ursala's relationship grew stronger each day and so did Ursa's relationship with his son Ursulito. Orsa grew more and more jealous of the time that HER husband, Urso, was spending with the hideous wife and the hideous child.
One day Orsa had seen enough and plotted a way to rid the kingdom of Ursulito for she knew that he stood a great chance at inheriting the kingdom. Her plot was quick and deadly, as deadly as a Black Mamba.
Jealous Orsa had returned back from a stay with family in a nearby province, and with her she brought gifts. She gave each of the family members' their gift and quietly waited for her gift to take its course.
Once back to his room, gladly and expiedtly Ursulito opened his gift that he had received from Orsa. In the basket he saw a snake who hissed fiercely. Immediately, Ursulito dropped the snake and ran away but the snake continued to follow him. As the child ran the snake seemed to continue to gain on him, until the snake was finally able to catch up.
The snake hissed at Ursulito, "dear boy, you must not be afraid. I am sent here to protect you from your evil stepmother. Orsa thought that when she bought me I was a venomous snake who could kill you but I am the opposite and I will lead you to safety, but you must trust me and follow me."
And so, Ursulito and the snake began their long journey and headed away from the kingdom. For many years Ursulito continued on this journey until he caught word that his brother was killed in battle and that his father had passed. The snake, who had been his companion this entire time urged Ursulito to return to the kingdom and pick up rule, and so he did.
Once Ursulito arrived back to his home kingdom, he was told the stories of how great his father was and that in his honor they named a group of stars after him, they called it Ursa Major.
Ursulito continued to rule the kingdom and all people who lived under his rule were happy. Many years passed and Ursulito became ill, the doctors worked diligently to save him but he finally was not longer able to continue on.
The towns bears wanted to honor Ursulito in a way that they had honored his dear father and so they named the constellation nearby to Ursa Major... they named it Ursa Minor.

 The constellation, Ursa Major

Authors Note:
This story has been adapted from the original story called the Tale of the Pole Star by C.A. Kincaid, found in his book titled "Tales from the Indian Epics". The original story told by Kincaid is about a king, his 2 wives and their sons. One wife is far more gorgeous than the other and her son took after her, the other wife had a better personality and her son took after her. One day one of his wives grew jealous of the other's son and pushed him down. When the child asked his mother what to do she told him to retreat to the forest and pray to Krishna, and so he did. Krishna finally appeared to him after many years and told him to return. After his arrival his brother died and his father eventually did too, he took up rule. Many years passed under his rule which was a fair rule, but he longed to worship and be with Krishna. The king gave up his kingdom and pursued Krishna until he arrived at a path that continued above ground. Along the way he met 7 sages who watched him continue his journey and eventually until he found Krishna. Once he found Krishna he was turned into a star and the 7 sages were also turned into stars. The constellation was called the Seven Sages Constellation in Indian culture and the Great Bear in western culture. Ursa Minor represents the Great Bear or the Seven Sages Constellation.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Reading Notes: The Tale of the Pole Star, Part B

Uttanpad was a king who lived in India, he had 2 wives. One was named Suniti and the other was named Suruchi.. one had a beautiful personality but was neglected, while the other had a beautiful face and was not neglected. He had a son by Suruchi named Uttam (6) and by Suniti had a son named Dhruv (5). They got qualities from their mother. One day Suruchi pushed Dhruv over when he was being told a story by Uttanpad, because she was furious and told him to go pray to the gods. He went into the forest to pray and stayed there for many years until Krishna appeared. Krishna told him that he had to rule his father's kingdom and make people happy before he could go with him to heaven. Narada was summonsed by Krishna who directed him to lead Dhruv back to town. Suruchi and Uttam were both displeased with his arrival and were extremely jealous. Finally, Uttanpad rebuked Uttam who became even more furious. He begged and was given permission by his father to go to the forest with the army to fight a rivalry army but was told that he must take orders from the general. He decided not to and was lured to his death by the tribesmen within the forest. Dhruv was sent out to avenge the tribesmen and was successful. After years passed Dhruv was crowned king and Uttanpad went to the forest to live until it was his time to die. His people were happy but he was sad and thought of when he was young and worshipped Krishna, he longed to be with Krishna. He gave the kingdom to his son and returned to his old home in the forest to find a northern path. He followed the path which got higher and higher from the ground, he finally came upon the Sun and the Moon. He continued on to when he came to where the seven rishis lived. He didn't stop there and kept on the path to the end where he sat down and looked up at Krishna. He gradually became a shining object, the Rishis who watched him also became shining stars. The Great Bear is also called the Seven Sages and Dhruv is the Pole Star.

Source: Tales from the Indian Epics, C.A. Kincaid (1918).  

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Readings Notes: The Churning of the Ocean, Part A

When the world was young there was a mountain named Mount Meru that was north of India. The lesser gods gathered on the peak because they thought that it would make them immortal and powerful like Vishnu, Brahmadeva and Shiva. In order to obtain this they knew that they had to get the ambrosia jar at the bottom of the ocean. Vishnu suggested that they call the demons to help, they'll get the jar and jewels. They left Mount Meru and went to Mount Mandara which was another great mountain. This mountain had deep forests with a lot of animals like lions, tigers, leopards, and elephants. They picked it up and tried to uproot it but were unsuccessful. Vishnu called the snake god, Vasuki to help them. He was able to uproot the mountain so they all rolled the mountain to the shore of the ocean. They churned the ocean waters with the mountain to gain the ambrosia, with the condition that they give some to the ocean god. Gods and demons were working together at this point.They asked the tortoise god to lie at the bottom of the ocean to keep the mountain from sinking. The tortoise god put the mountain on his back and went to the deepest part of the ocean. The snake god then went to the mountain and had gods on the mountain swing him and demons on land swing him, thus they churned the ocean. They were unsuccessful so they went to Brahmadeva and asked for his help, he begged Vishnu to give them more strength. They were finally successful and the moon rose up, a giant elephant also rose up, a pretty maid rose, Vishnu's wife (named Lakshmi) rose up. Indra named the elephant Airavat and he became his servant, he named the girl Rambha and she became chief among the dancing girls. Sura, the wine goddess arose, a horse named Uchaisrava arose, jewels named Kaustubha arose. As they continued to churn the snake god became ill so Shiva drank the poisonous liquid that protected the ambrosia, this turned his throat blue and he is known as Nilkantha or Blue-throat. Then an old man named Dhanwantari arose with the ambrosia. The demons grabbed it but Vishnu got it back and he punished the demons by only pouring it on the gods who became immortal while the demons stayed immortal. One demon named Rahu drank some but the sun-god told Vishnu who was able to cut off his head. Rahu's body rotted but his head was immortal and sometimes eats the sun-god out of spite. Fortunately the sun-god reappears.

             The Churning of the Ocean

Source: Tales from the Indian Epics by C.A. Kincaid (1918).

Monday, November 12, 2018

Wikipedia Trails from Thanksgiving to Seasonal Tropical Forest

With the holidays fast approaching and my love for Thanksgiving I wanted to know some more information of the holiday. The holiday is observed in Canada, the US, the Caribbean Islands and Liberia. I found it interesting and had no knowledge that Libera celebrated Thanksgiving! Liberia is officially known as the Republic of Libera and is located in Africa. About 40% of the Upper Guinean forests are located in Liberia. The forest is a tropical seasonal forest. A Seasonal tropical forest is a forest that has deciduous trees, semi-evergreens, and tropical mixed which is also known as monsoon. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Story Lab: Topic Research, Virabhadrasana's

This Wikipedia page about Virabhadrasana's or the Warrior poses is a good starting base for my research for my final story. I plan to combine all three of the Warrior poses into this story and show the progression of the story to the poses.

The first pose called Virabhadrasana I or Warrior Pose I derives from the story about Krishna's wife, Sati, killing herself because she was not invited to her father's ritual. When Krishna found out of his wife's death he snatched a lock of hair from his head, he threw it on the ground and stomped on it. From the lock on the ground rose a warrior who he named Virabhadra with Vira meaning "hero" and Bhadra meaning "friend". This warrior was created to kill Sati's father, Daksha. The pose replicates Virabhadra's arrival with swords in his hand moving up through the earth.

                  Picture information: Virabhadrasana I

The next of the series is Virabhadrasana II pose or Warrior II pose. In this pose, Virabhadra spots Daksha and moves swiftly towards him in order to kill him.

Picture information: Virabhadrasana II

The last of the series is Virabhadrasana III. Here Virabhadra beheads Daksha, Krishna arrives and sees that he is dead. Krishna then absorbs Virabhadra back into his original form and into a rabbit. After seeing the dead Daksha, Krishna is mournful and finds a head of goat to put on Daksha. This pose replicates Krishna bowing in humbleness.
In the end both Daksha and Sati are reborn.

     Picture information: Virabhadrasana III; humble warrior

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Reading Notes: Gods and Goddesses, How Krishna Went Under the Ocean

Balarama and Krishna were asked to save his teacher's only son who was killed by the ocean and it's being. The ocean became fearful as Krishna stared at it in fury so the waters parted and opened. After speaking to the sea god he was told that is was a dragon named Shankasur who lived under the ocean.  He went forward to the open ocean and the waters closed over his head. The land where he was had plants and animals that did not exist on land. He killed the the dragon but didn't find the son in his belly, he did keep the shell that he lived in and made it into a weapon. They continued on to the underworld god, Yam in search of the boy. Yam gave back the boy and so Balarama and Krishna returned with him.

Image info: The Lord Yam of the dead

Source info: Tales of Ancient India: Gods and Goddesses, Edmund Cox (1887).

Monday, November 5, 2018

Reading Notes: The Gods, Part A

There was a lot of evil deeds occurring and so the gods gathered together to hash out a plan in an attempt to keep the evil deeds at bay. Siwa, the god of gods was asked to create a being who would check evil thoughts before they were able to become evil deeds. Ganesha, Lord of Wisdom was born to keep people from acting out their evil ideas. He is the remover of difficulties by those who seek him. Sani would not look at him, he explained to Uma that he had a curse cast upon him and must destroy any being that he looks at. Uma demanded that he look at Ganesha so he did. When Sani did so Ganesha's head was severed and ended up where Krishna was, in a whole different land. Siwa had his servants go in search of a new head, they were to take a head from the first creature that they saw. This is how Ganesha ended up with an elephant head. He is still one of the first gods that people in prayer call upon.

Picture info: Lord Ganesha

Source Info:     
Tales of Ancient India   
by Edmund Charles Cox, (1887).

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Wikipedia Trail From Daylight Saving Times to

I was intersted in learning about Daylight Savings Time and wanted to learn a bit more since I knew that not everybody took part in it. I found out that the countries who did were Canada, US, Chile, Brazil, most of Europe, a part of Australia and New Zealand all do. George Hudson was the man who originally proposed the change in 1895. He was a British born in New Zealand and was an entomologist which is the study of insects. The word is derived from the word "entomon" which means "insect". Entomon is a word fromAncient Greece. Ancient Greek was from 9th century BCE to 6th century CE. Divided between the Archaic period and the Hellenistic period.

Picture info: A map of countries that participate in Day Light Savings

Famous Last Words: I'm Fine

To be completely honest, the readings for this week were not all that difficult for me to complete, at least not like they have been in the past few weeks. Life has a great way of getting hectic right when you don't need it to but I'm seeming to manage! I really enjoyed reading my classmates' stories and I can't say that I had a favorite.. but if I must choose then maybe the Loony Tunes storybook! That storybook is just so creative and clever. He also does a great job of portraying the characters just the way that I remembered they were! Another classmate that I really enjoyed reading was Brenna! She did a great job at using poetry and made everything flow so well! Perhaps I can learn a thing or two and try to follow suite.. maybe try that style in the future! 
As for my other classes.. I an doing fairly well but the essays along with work and drill and moving and life are going to be the death of me! I have high enough grades that I do have some buffer but naturally I would like to keep my A's. A class that I am going to aim getting an A in that I don't already have one in is this class. All of the opportunities are there and I am set up for success so the ball in my court. I hope that this week I will be able to get ahead in my classes and begin working on the extra credit for this class. Now that I have mostly settled into my new place in Norman I should have an easier time with doing this since I no longer have to commute home after class at night! I also would like to get up earlier this week and make it to the gym. Lastly, I would like to make sure that I do my damn PT!
Photo info: Current feels

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Week 11 Story: The Rubiks Cube

The end was near. 

That's what Lola and Liza thought to themselves anyway. 

Out yonder, their sister Luna had a different opinion of what was to come. 
Luna, the eldest, found herself haggling with the snag toothed wretch who had kidnapped them. Wincing in disgust at the site and smell of the miserable being in standing in front of her she knew that it was here duty to rescue her naive siblings. 
Standing in front of her, the stringy haired, wrinkled, missing tooth woman demanded that she complete the rubiks cube before taking one more step. The requirement was that she complete this game of colorful intelligence within two shakes of a lambs tail. 
If Luna is able to complete her task then her sisters walk free. If Luna fails, she and her sisters will remain captive for all of eternity. 

Luna gawked at the cube, wondering how she would complete this task before the lamb shook his tail. Finally, with a huge sigh she held her sweaty palm out to retrieve the cube. The dark cloaked woman, grinned and handed her the cube. She was sure that she would not complete it in time. They both were. 

Luna worked tirelessly, twisting and rotating the colorful tiles on the cube. Sweat dripped from her brow, she felt a lump in her throat. The lamb shook it's tail one time. 
Distracted, she was certain that she wouldn't get the cube solved before the lamb shook it's tail a second time. 

Twisting and rotating the tiles, she was within reach of winning! She almost had the cube solved and the lamb had yet to shake it's tail of the second time. 

The last piece was needed, tension was high. The wretched woman still stand their grinning, Luna still nervous finally moved that last piece to complete the problem. The lamb shook it's tail for the second time but Luna was faster. The grin from the despicable woman disappeard and Luna jumped with joy. 

True to her word, the woman retrieved the sisters and brought them to Luna. They were free! 

The three sisters made the long trek home where they told of their adventure. A parade was held and there was a day of celebration. 
Within the crowd was that wretched woman. 
People took notice and talked, but Luna assured them that she was welcomed. 
Luna was a kind and gentle soul, she pitied the poor woman and so she invited her to return home with the them. Lonely, the woman agreed and her heart once hateful and evil heart was replaced with love and joy. 

They all lived happily after. 

Image Source: The wretched woman watching Luna work at solving the cube problem

Author's Notes: The idea for this story came from the story Princes and the Sprite, written by Ellen C. Babbitt. In the original story there are 3 princes who venture to the forest. The 2 younger brothers are asked by the water sprite to successfully answer a question, which they are unable to do. This results in them being carried off. Eventually the eldest brother goes to see why they haven't returned and meets the water sprite who is disguised. He is able to answer the question and the brothers are released. They all return back to the kingdom where they rule. Living within them is the water sprite. 

Reading Notes: Jataka Tales, Part B

The Elephant Girly- Face:
- Girly-face is name of elephant owned by a king
- he was a kind and gentle looking elephant
- one night robbers awoke girly-face and he overheard them talking about how to be cruel and be good robbers
- girly face decided that he wanted to act like that too
- the next morning he killed the keeper when he came to feed him
- he killed the next keeper who went to help
- for many days he acted like this and killed people
- a wise man was sent to look him over and found out that there had been bad men there
- that night the king sent good men to talk
- girly face listened and decided that he wanted to be good
- he lived happily ever after

The Princess and the Water Sprite:
- there were 3 princes, 1 was named Prince of Stars, the other Moon Prince and the last Sun Prince
- the queen asked the king to give the kingdom to Sun Prince
- he told her no and that the eldest and 2nd eldest would be king by right
- the king told the 2 older princes to go off and live in the woods because he was afraid the queen may kill them, the third, Sun Prince joined.
- in the forest the youngest prince went to retrieve water from a pond
- the pond was owned by a faire king and the fairies could have power of anybody who entered the pond unless gave the right answer to the question "what are the good fairies like?"
- they asked him the question and he answered "they are like the Sun and the Moon"
- that was the wrong answer so the water-spite carried him into a cave
- the Moon Prince got down there and he answered "Like the sky above us"
- that was the wrong answer so she carried him off too
- the eldest brother went down and realized that there was a water-spite so he drew his sword
- the spite appeared in a form of a woodworker
- he asked the spite why she took his brothers
- he answered the question right and the spite said he would bring back a brother
- the sprite brought back the princes and they lived in the forest until the king died
- they returned home and the eldest was king but the other 2 ruled with him
- he built a house for the sprite on their kingdom grounds
- they lived happily ever after

    picture info: Girly-face being a good elephant

Jataka Tales   by Ellen C. Babbitt, 1912.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Reading Notes: Jataka Tales, Part A

The Monkey and the Crocodile:
-A mother croc asked her son to get her a monkey so that she could get his heart
-The croc tricked the monkey to get on his back to swim across and get fruit
-The croc went underwater and told the monkey that he would kill him so that he could give his heart to his mother
-The monkey said he left his heart at home
-They turned back around so that the monkey could get it and he ran up the tree instead
-The monkey moved trees but the croc found him
-Everyday the monkey jumped to an island in the middle of the river and ate fruit all day there, the croc watched him and plotted a plan
-The croc laid on the rock to wait for the monkey but the monkey realized that it was abnormal so he tricked the croc into answering him
-He was able to escape and the croc left him alone
How the Turtle Saved his own Life:
-A king made a lake in his courtyard for princes to play in
-He put fishes and a turtle in the lake
-They though he was a demon so he was taken to the king
-He ordered his men to kill the turtle
-A man suggested he be thrown into the water and he would flow away and die
-The turtle was able to convince them to "kill" him that way
-he was able to flow down the river and return home
The Merchant of Seri:
-a man sold brass and tinware with another man who was greedy
-a granddaughter told her poor grandmother to sell a gold bowl that her late husband used to use
-the greedy man pretended like it was worth nothing and threw it down
-the other man was on the same street trying to sell things
-he told her that it was worth more than what he had
-she plead with him to take it but instead he gave her everything he had in exchange for the bowl and 8 pennies
-he ended up leaving the greedy man and lived happily ever after
The Turtle who Couldn't Stop Talking:
-2 young geese and a turtle become friends
-the geese told the turtle that he could go with them back home if he didn't tell anybody nor talked
-he held on to a stick by his mouth in between the geese as they were flying
-he opened his mouth to talk and fell dead
The Ox who won the Forfeit:
-a man who owned an ox always bragged about his ox
-he bet 1000 pieces of silver that his ox could drag 100 wagons
-the man whipped and cursed at the ox so he didn't move b/c he had never been treated like that
-the ox and owner made up so they agreed to go back into the village the next day
-the man bet 2000 pieces
-they won the 2000 pieces and went home to live happily
The Sandy Road:
-a merchant in the desert on his way to the other side of the desert
-they moved at night and set up camp during the day
-the pilot told the men they would make it to the village so they could throw away food, water, and wood
-the pilot fell asleep and woke up in the same spot but they didn't have any items
-the merchant found a well and so everybody drank, bathed, cooked
-they set up a flag on the well so people could see it and made it to the village
-they sold their items and then returned home
The Quarrel of the Quails
-a group of quails lived in the forest with their leader
-a hunter who made a living off of quails tricked them to think their leader was calling them, he then sold them in town
-the leader set up a plan for the quails to escape
-day after day he came up empty handed
-the quails got in a fight and he was able to capture them since they didn't work together, he sold them

Image Source : The crocodile waits for the monkey with his mouth open

Jataka Tales,  Ellen C. Babbit, 1912.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Wikipedia Trail from Dragons to Loki

I started my wiki trail out with dragons, I read a story from the other class that used these creatures and made me want to learn more. From there I looked up Norse mythology since I have always been a bit interested in it. I found it interesting that they had gods and goddesses for things like apples but I was more interested in learning about a skiing goddess they had so I went to check out Skaoi. Skaoi was not a let down and is an interesting goddess, I mean a goddess for skiing could only be that. On that page I saw that she was connected to Loki and was interested in learning about him. I went to the Loki page and learned that he is said to have helped the gods or may have been mischievous. Previously I had thought that he was only mischievous and was not a helpful deity.

Image info: Loki is being tortured with a serpents dripping venom. The goddess Skaoi is said to have bound Loki and placed the serpent over him.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Story Lab: EmpoWord

-Scope refers to boundaries of plot.. where and when it begins, the focus, background info that might be needed.
-Focus on important stuff to keep from boring the reader
-Sequence and pacing.. the order of the events and the amount of time given to each event
-Exposition- setting the scene, introducing characters, prepping for the journey
-Rising axn- things begin to happen, encounter conflict, set out on a journey, meet people
-Climax- peak of the axn, main showdown
-Falling axn- things start to wind down
-Resolution- everything is back to normal, things end
-In medias res- in the middle of things, start story with axn, then circle back to the earlier part of the story and fill in the blanks, continue on
-Can also bounce around in the story, fragments
-POV- impacts tone, mood, scope, voice, and plot
-Tone- emotional state of the narrator
-Mood- what emotions do you want your reader to feel?
- POV breakdown: 1st person (I, me, our) can include monologue, thoughts, etc
   2nd person (you, your) speaks to the reader, is the protagonist, or speaks to an absent or unidentified person.
   3rd person limited (he, himself, etc) observes and narrates but sticks near one or 2 characters
   3rd person omniscient (also third person pronouns) narrates from all knowing perspective , can include monologue and thoughts
   Stream of consciousness (uses inconsistent pronouns, or none at all) wandering and ungrammatical thought process of the narrator
-Characterization- development of characters thru axn, descriptions, and dialogue.. helps with building sympathy from reader
    Can introduce directly (thru description of them) or indirectly (thru behaviors, speech, thoughts)
-Round characters are very detailed, most important
-Flat characters are minimally detailed, briefly sketched or named, less important
-Static characters remain the same
-Dynamic characters change within the story, usually as a result of an event
-Dialogue- communication between 2 or more characters, connects reader to characters and let's them understand relationships
-Medium- way story is written via images, poetry, video, audio recording, "found" texts, illustrations, comics, journal entries, plays, blogs or social media

-See page 50 to review and get ideas on how to experiment with dialogue

Picture Info: Doge Meme


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Reading Notes: Naraka and Bana, Part B

Indra visited Krishna in Dwarka and told him that Naraka is nearly invincible. He took the sea's umbrella, took Mandara Mountain's jeweled crest and his mother's earrings. The earrings gave out ambrosia at the will of the owner. He then demanded Indra'a elephant so Indra asked Krishna to come help him kill him. Krishna agreed and Vishnu's eagle, Garuda appeared, Indra got on his elephants back and they all went to Pragjyothisha city.
Muru, a demon designed the city which had turrets, moats, and magic nets to capture the enemies. Krishna on the eagle flew over the arrows from the turrets, the moats and the nets. He cut the nets with his sword, dried up the moats with his fiery discus and battered down the walls of the city with his mace. Muru was at the bottom of the moat hiding under the water, when it dried up he had 5 heads, he had a trident that he tried to rush Krishna with. Krishna shot 5 arrows and they each hit Muru's head and he died. Within the city the 7 sons of Muru and Naraka's army tried to fight Krishna and Indra off but Krishna's arrows killed the sons and his sword killed the others so the army fled.
In the city they found all of the missing items as well as stables full of animals, and thousands of princes that were kidnapped and being held. They were all sent back to Dwarka.

Picture info: Krishna storms Naraka's city

Source:   Shri Krishna and Dwarka and Other Stories by C.A. Kincaid (1920)

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Reading Notes: Krishna's Youth, Part A

King Kansa sent the demon Dhenuka to kill Balarama (Krishna's brother) in hopes that it would weaken Krishna and he would be able to kill him more easily. Three boys wanted to eat the fruit in the orchard where the demon hid ass a donkey but the donkey told them to go away. They returned with Krishna and Balarama. 
Dhenuka rushed Balarama but he ended up knocking his brains out against a fruit tree. The demons friends rushed Balarama and Krishna but they did the same and eventually the tree lost its fruit so all the boys ate the fruit. 
Another demon called Pralambha who was even stronger offered to kill them so he disguised himself and played with the boys. They played a game and the loser had to carry the winner on his back. Balarama won so Pralambha had to carry him on his back but he morphed back and ran away, Krishna was unable to catch him. 
Krishna told Balarama to knock him in the head so he did and he ended up dying. Balarma returned to Krishna. 
King Kansa left them alone for sometime. 
Krishna told the people of Gokula to no longer give thanks to Indra for the monsoon season but to give thanks and sacrifice to the Govardham mountain. They did so and when they got on top of the mountain they saw Krishna who accepted their sacrifices. 
Indra was mad so he sent down large rocks and floods that killed men. Krishna picked up the mountain and had the people hide under the mountain for shelter. 
Indra then came to earth and anointed Krishna as god of the cows and of the cowherds. All cowherds and milk maids threw him a party and passed out. They woke up in the middle of the night to find Krishna's dad, Nanda trapped and being crushed by a python. 
Krishna went to save his dad and the snake turned into a man who's name was Sudarshan. He said that he was cursed for being vain but when Krishna's foot touched him, the curse was ended. He then bowed to Krishna and was lifted to the heavens. 

                   Picture info: Krishna, the god of cowherds 

Source: Shri Krishna of Dwarka and Other Stories by C.A. Kincaid (1920)

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Wikipedia Trail From Mount Meru to Iron Age

My interest for Mount Meru started when I read a storybook discussing the mountain and mythology of it. I scrolled down on that page and found a word that I was unfamiliar with. The word was yojana and is a type of mesaurement for distance used in ancient India. Yojana equates to be about 12-15 km and was used during the Vedic period. The Vedic period was between 1500 BCE- 500 BCE, the culture was tribal and pastoral. The end of the period challenged the Kuru Kingdom which was Indo-Aryan tribal union during the Vedic period and was located in the north during the Iron Age India. Iron Age in India is the prehistorical period.

Picture Information: Kuru Kingdom during the Late Vedic Period 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Week 9 Story: Romulus and Remus

"Oh no, where are we and how did we get here?! Last I remember we were having a leisurely stroll in the Amazon Jungle" Exclaimed Romulus to his brother Remus.

Remus calmly responded. "Well you see dear brother, our beloved city of Baia fell captive to the sea god, we lost all hope and retreated to the forest where we felt at home. While we were gathering ourselves and discussing our next move, you fell victim to a hunter who mistook you for a game animal. I fell victim to Glycon, the snake god."

In that instant all memories returned to Romulus and flashed in front of his eyes.

"What is wrong dear brother?" Remus asks Romulus.

Romulus responds, "It is because of me that we are here," he continues, "you see, if I had never told my loyal citizens to go to the shoreline and take offerings to appease the underworld god, we would not be here. It is my fault that they went crazy upon drinking the forbidden Meade. It is my fault that they decided the offerings needed to appease the underworld god, that they believed those offerings were meant to be that of human flesh and blood... of their own kin. It is my fault that my kingdom, my city, and my people have fallen to the sea god. Oh brother, what have I done?!"

Suddenly, Romulus recalls that he as five wives. With great concern he asks Remus, "brother, what has become of my wives?"

Remus responds, "Romulus, they are fine, our dear friend Hercules was sent to look after them. Hercules will stop at nothing to protect them."

Within that moment, knowing that his wives were OK, Romulus was finally able to be at peace and accept his fate for he was in the heavenly afterlife with his dear brother and his people. Here he was able to once again rule again, free of pain and harm.

                     Picture info: a statue from the sunken city of Baia still stands

Authors note: The original story from where I got my idea can be found here. This story from Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenize (1913) discusses the death of Krishna. In the original story Krishna gets a vision from the underworld god at night that something bad was going to happen. Krishna had his people retreat to the shoreline to perform devotions to the sea god and while they were doing so they opted to drink wine, which was forbidden. While they drank this forbidden wine they lost their minds and began to violently fight, killing each other. While all of this was happening Krishna and his brother, Balarama retreated to the forest, where both died. Krishna by arrow in the foot (his only weak spot), and Balarama by world serpeant. In the original story Krishna had Arjuna sent after so that he could return and look after his wives, who also died. Arjuna then continued on to the city of Indraprastha

Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part B

The Year of Disguise:
-Pandavas spent 12 years in the forest
-They plan to be in disguise at King Virata's court
-Yudhishthira is a good gambler and disguises himself as Kanka
-Bhima disguises as a cook named Ballaba
-Arjuna is Brihannala. a dancing teacher
-Nakula is Granthika, a stable worker
-Sahadeva is Tantripala, cowherder
-Draupadi is Sairanhdhri, Queen Sudeshna's maid
-They leave a corpse in a cremation ground (who's corpse?)
-They leave their weapons in a shami tree
-The Queen's brother, Kichaka asks for the maid (Draupadi) to be sent to him, he tries to rape her
-Bhima switches places with Draupadi, he crushes Kichaka, and rolls him into a ball
-Draupadi tells the queen that she has a celestial husband who killed him, the queen believes her

The end of the Exile:
-People want to burn Draupadi on Kichaka's funeral pyre
-Bhima rescues her
-Duryodhana attacks King Virata, Susharma takes the kind captive
-Yudhishthira declares they'll rescue the king
-Prince Uttara, the king's son has Brihannala (Arjuna) as his charioteer
-Arjuna has the prince be the charioteer while he fights
-Karna and Arjuna fight, both wounded and both survive
-Pandavas reveal identity to King Virata
-Arjuna's son Abhimanyu, marries princess Uttara
-Yudhishthira ties to have a peaceful treaty with King Dhritarashtra
-Duryodhana tells the king the Pandavas should be exiled for 12 more years

The Great Battle:-The Pandavas prep for war
-Bhima renews vow to drink Duhshasana's blood and break Duryodhana's thigh
-The armies meet at Kurukshetra
-Bhishma, Drona, and Karna are on the Kaurava side
-Pandava's are smaller
-Arjuna injures Bhishma by using a Shikhandi (soldier who wore women's clothing)
-Bhishma waits for death on a bed of arrows
-Bhisma's mother, Ganga sends swans to tell him to wait to die until solstice
-There's a truce until he dies, and Arjuna helps him until he dies
-After he dies, fighting starts again
-Dhristadyumna, Draupadi's brother wants revenge against Drona
-He tricks Drona, telling him that his son Aswatthaman is dead
-He beheads Drona
-Karna is now the commander
-Arjuna and Karna duel in chariots
-Krishna is Arjuna's charioteer
-Karna's wheel gets stuck in a ditch and Arjuna kills him
-Bhima kills Duhshasana and drinks his blood
-Only Kaurava's left are Aswatthaman and Duryodhana, they have allies Kripa and Kritavarman

Duryodhana's Death:
-Duryodhana is under a lake and won't face the Pandavas
-He agrees to a duel with Bhima
-Bhima finally breaks his thigh
-The Kaurava's, Aswatthaman, Kripa, and Kritavarman raid the Pandava camp at night
-They kill everybody but Yudhishthira, the brothers, and Krishna
-The Kaurava's tell Duryodhana who then dies
-All of Draupadi's sons are dead, Abhimanyu (Arjuna and Krishna's sister's son) is dead, and so are the 100 sons of Dhritarashtra\
-Uttara, Abhimanyu's wife, has a baby named Parikshit.. he carries on the family line
-Dhritarashtra, Gandhari, and Kunti go into the forest, they die
-Yudhishthira becomes king of Hastinapura

The Death of King Krishna:
-Yudhishthira rules happily for a while
-Krishna kills King Kamsa, who tried to kill Krishna as an infant
-Krishna is king of Dwaraka
-Vishvamitra's cursed people of Dwaraka to kill each other
-Krishna doesn't allow wine drinking, in hopes that it will get rid of the curse
-Krishna's wife has a dream, he sends people to the shore to make an offering
-At the shore the people drink wine and kill each other
-Krishna's brother, Balarama leaves this world by giving up his spirit
-Krishna is meditating in the forest and hunter mistakenly shoots him
-A wave drowns the city Dwaraka
-Arjuna take Krishna's 5 wives to the land of 5 rivers, Punjab
-The wives are captured
-Yudhishthira hears this and decides the Pandavas should leave the world
-Parikshit is now king

The Reunion of the Bharatas:
-Agni (the fire god) tells Arjuna to cast the Gandiva bow to Varuna (the water god)
-They all climb the Himalayas
-All fall for sins
-Draupadi for loving Arjuna more than her other husbands
-Sahadeva for being boastful about wisdom
-Nakula for being boastful about his looks
-Arjuna for failing to kill Duryodhana in a second like he had promised
-Bhima for being boastful about his strength
-Yudhishthira is the only on left
-He continues on with his dog
-Indra appears to drive them to Amaravati
-Yudhishthira won't leave his dog and wins the test of loyalty
-In heaven he can't find his brothers or Draupadi
-He must go to hell to find them and stay there with them
-He does and so everybody is allowed into heaven
-Karna, Dhritarashtra, Bhishma, Drona, Virata, Drupada, Duryodhana, and all the warriors
-Everybody is at peace with each other and the Bharatas are reunited

    Picture Information: Krishna and Arjuna going to battle

Source: The Indian Heroes: Mahabharata- The Princes of Elephant City by C. A. Kincaid (1921).

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part A

Characters and The Princes of Elephant City
King Bharata- dead king
Vichitravvirya- king of Hastinapura.. also died
Dhritarashtra- older, blind son of Vichitravirya, brother of Pandu
Pandu- younger brother of Dhritarashtra, son of Vichtravira
        Pandu has 5 sons by 2 women
        Yudhisthira, Bhima, and Arjuna by Kunti
        Nakula and Sahadeva by Madri
        All 5 sons are called the Pandavas- son of gods

Dhri becomes king when Pandu dies
     Dhri and his wife Gandhari have 100 sons
     Oldest son is Duryodhana
     100 sons are called Kauravas

The Kauravas and Pandavas are the Bharatas.. descendants of Bharata.. dead king form above.

Drona- the boys' teacher
     He has the boys attack his enemy

Drupada- Droma's enemy, he's a king
Draupadi- girl who appeared when Drupada prays to the gods

Dury plots to kill Yudhi and his family b/c he was named king.
Vidura- Pandu and Dhri half bro.. he warns them and they escape

Hidimba and Baka:
the family flee into the forest as disguised peseants.
Hidimba and sister Hidimbi plan to eat them
Hidimbi falls in love with Bhima and warns him of Hidimba's plan
Bhima kills Hidimba and marries Hidimbi but Bhima leaves to go back to family
Bhima kills demon Baka when he arrives.. demon was making family give blood tax

The Winning of Draupadi: 
Draupadi is a sought after woman
There's an archery contest for her marriage
Karna almost wins but Arjuna who is still in disguise wins
Arjuna fights Karna, and Bhima fights king Shayla
Arjuna wins
Kunti tells Arjuna to share his winnings, not realizing he won a bride so he shares with his 4 brothers and she is wife to 5 men
Her father was happy to know they are royalty when he finds out from following but is angry she marries all 5.. finally agrees

The Adventures of Prince Arjuna:
Bhishma tells Dury to make peace with Pandavas once he realizes they're alive
The Pandavas get half of the kingdom and build a city
Arjuna enters Draupadi's room while Yudhish was in there and goes into exile in the forest
Yudhish goes to underwater world with water nymph Ulupi and they wed
In a dream the fire-god Agni tells Yudhish to burn the Khandava forest and destroy the nagas who live under protection of Indra
Agni gives Arjuna the gandiva bow, and arrows from the sea-god Varuna.. Arjuna is son of Indra
Arjuna sets forest on fire
Indra appears and pours rain down to put fire out

Arjune and Subhadra: 
Nagas flee and all are killed except Maya
Arjuna goes to Dwarka and meets Subhadra.. they wed
Subhadra is sister of Krishna
Subhadra and Arjuna go back to Indraprastha
Maya builds a palace for the Pandavas
Yudh declares himself emperor
Krishna tells him to kill king Jarasandha to be ruler
Bhima goes to wrestle the king and wins by tearing him in half
All captives are freed

Yudhishthira's Gambling: 
The palace where Dury lives is an illusion
Gamble ensues
Yudh losses his brothers, himself and Draupadi
Dury drags Draupadi by her hair, rips her clothes off but clothes are replaced by divine intervention
Bhima vows to drink Dushasana's blood and break his thigh
King Dhristarashtra gives her wishes.. she wishes all were free.. they are
Another bet goes down and the Pandavas go into exile for 12 years

Bhima and the Serpent
Endless food is supplied by the sun-god
People who followed them have food to eat
Vyasa tells Arjuna to find his father Indra for celestial weapons
He climbs the Himalayas
A hidden Indra tells him to find Shiva first
Arjuna battles a boar and realizes it's Shiva
Shiva goes away and Indra gives Arjuna golden armor
He returns to his brothers
Bhima goes missing.. Yudh finds him in the grip of a snake
Yudh answers the snakes question and a man appears
King Nahusha appears and is released from his curse b/c Yudh answers all of his questions

    Picture info: Arjuna and Subhadra Leave Dwarka with Krishna

Source info: Mahabharata. The Indian Heroes: Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City by C. A. Kincaid. (1921). 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Week 8 Progress

Overall I'm mostly happy with my progress but I know that I could have a higher grade since the assignments to do so are there! My weekly routine could probably change some to where I'm able to get ahead by at least one week, which is my goal for the last 8 weeks. This will give me some opportunities to work on extra credit and take off some pressure for weeks that I'm busy with work, other classes, or life. I may work on different layouts for my blog and my storybook to try to change it up throughout the rest of the semester. In fact, I think I'll either work on extra credit now or next weeks assignments!

      Image information : Not more procrastinating

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

I think that the comments I'm receiving are useful as I am getting a lot of positive feedback from everybody which is encouraging. Some of the most useful ones are the comments that give me suggestions which I can try to incorporate and use in my next assignment.
As far as leaving feedback for others, I think I'm doing ok but could probably go into a bit more detail when I offer suggestions. I am able to get writing style ideas from other peoples' stories which I can use for my stories.
Reading other peoples' blogs and introductions does definitely give me a sense for who they are which helps when reading their stories. I think my introduction mostly covers everything that I would like for people to know and me and I enjoy reading feedback from others.
For future feedback posts I want to try to give more detailed suggestions.

I chose the image below because it reminded me of my own cat. One night last month, when it was down pouring, I got a text from my mom telling me that Spikey Boo Fang (that's his name) was stuck in a tree. I called her and she told me that he had been stuck about 13 feet up in a tree for a few hours. We discussed what to do but decided it was too dangerous for either of us to climb a ladder to get him down. Finally I got a text from her saying that he made his way down and was safe in the house.

P.S. This was not the first time he had been stuck in a tree, I think his cat meter is broken.

                   Photo Information:  Hopefully this cat isn't stuck like mine was. LOL!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Week 8 Reading and Writing

Now that I am getting more familiar with blogging and google sites I feel like I will be able to change up the theme to better suite me. I played around with the theme for the blog and I like it but I may switch it up more. As for the google site, I'm pretty happy with the layout and the banner pictures that I chose. The reading notes that I have written seem to be sufficient for me to get the background information but I would like to try more styles. As far as writings go, I am fairly happy with the styles that I have used but would like to switch them up more so that they don't so closely resemble the original. I think my favorite one that I have done so far was week 7 where I more or less started in the middle of the original story, worked back, then worked to present day. For future posts I would like to work on using more dialogue though. I would also like to look at more research strategies as well as note taking methods.

 Picture information: Probably my favorite picture so far. This is a very calming and reflective picture for me. The sunset (or sunrise) along with the waves give off the vibe that this is a relaxed state of mind, as it should be!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Week 7 Story: The Girl That Got Away

I belched out in despair to my father, the king of gods "Oh father what ever shall I do? I have been deemed unlovable by the woman that I love more than life!"
In that moment he calmly responded "dearest son, you must'n worry for you will find your path and true love".

You see, weeks leading up to this exact moment I was ecstatic and filled with excitemnt because I had been given several gifts from my relatives for my birthday and was FINALLY allowed to live in their neighborhood. I'm sure you all are wondering what the big deal is.. but these gifts were not just any ordinary gifts and this neighborhood was not just any neighborhood! This neighborhood was an out of world experience where all gods, goddesses, queens, kings, nymphs, and Demi-gods lived, here they overlooked human activities.. and here is where I found my true love.

Pull up a chair and have a seat, I'm going to tell you a story.

So it all started with one warm and sunny day when I noticed something fishy happening off in a distance, so naturally I decided to approach it. As I neared the site in question I noticed that there were dead fishes and birds sprawled across the beach. I continue to approach this unforgiving scene and low and behold the damn ocean splits in two! I'm in my flight or fight mode but I remembered my father saying that I needed to man up if I ever expected to get into his neighborhood. I then also remembered the amazing gifts that my family had given me and that they had told me to use them if I ever was in despair.
I decided that this was a moment of despair as this 5 headed sea monster was lunging at me, open mouth, bugged eye, and all!
I pull out my handy gifts: one a stick, another a liquid in some weird shell, and the other a ball to catch Pokemon? WHAT?!
Throwing the stick I see nothing happened so I throw the weird liquid in a shell but once again nothing happened! My last resort is to throw this weird Pokemon ball so I do! I throw far and hard and hit the weird monster with it, all while holding my breath to the point of almost passing out.
Somehow, someway this weird Pokemon ball worked and this 5 headed sea monster was trapped in it!
Within seconds my father, his brothers, and his sisters appear in front of me to take me to my new nieghborhood that I wanted so badly to live in! Alas, I'm finally there!
So one night out with the boys I noticed a girl from across the room, she's wearing some amazing makeup with cat eyes, and had medium length black hair that was straight.. her outfit caught my attention, it was like nothing I had ever seen before. I decide to approach her and ask her her name. She tells me its Cleopatra.

Feeling myself because I had captured some weird sea creature, been admitted to the new 'hood, and turned 21, so I ask her for a dance. She agrees!
We danced, laughed, and talked the night away so I decided to ask her out on a date. She agreed again! I'm on a roll!

Fastforward to just this morning and I think that things are going great with Cleopatra, we're even planning on going to visit a tropical island soon. Then this morning she sends me a messenger pigeon telling me things aren't working out and that it's me, not her.. she tells me that I will never be loved because I'm just not loveable. I'm in shock so I call my dad and this is full circle to how we got here.

I still don't know why I'm not loveable or why my father says that it's for the best, that I must complete a quest. Can you help me on this quest?

    Picture information: Here is my love Cleopatra one Sunday evening

Authors Notes: The original story from where I got my idea for this one is Indra and Arjuna. In the original story Arjuna (Indra's son) is given gifts from the gods, taken tot celestial city where they all reside and is cursed to never love. Arjuna then goes to fight demons and beings from the underworld, he succeeds, and then continues on to the underworld where he again wins. Upon defeating the creatures of the underworld he is given another gift from his father.

Source: Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913). Found here! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Reading Notes: The Death of Krishna, Part D

People knew that something bad was about to happen but nobody could pinpoint what it was.
Eventually people knew that Dwarka was about to be destroyed and a figure came in the night.. the figure was said to be Yama who is the god of the underworld.
Krishna told everybody to perform devotions on the beach with wine to try to ignore and ward the evil off.
There was a woman who arrived and brought spirits who stole jewels from the women and weapons from the men. (omen)
Krishna's chakra (spirit) went to heaven, the end of the Yadavas (group of people) was coming up, and the asparas told people to come to heaven. (omen)
The people feasting on the beach with wine drank heavily and fights broke out. Everybody killed everybody (omen)
Krishna and his brother Balarama went to the jungle where they both died. The world serpent came out of Balarama's mouth and Krishna was shot by a hunter who mistook him for something else.. the arrow pierced his foot which was his weak point and the only place that could kill him. Krishna went to his heaven called Goloka.
Krishna seemed to know his fate so had one sent for Arjuna once he died. Arjuna arrived to find Vasudeva (Krishna's father), his 4 widows, Krishna, and Balarama all dead so he cremated them.
Arjuna then left and headed to Indraprastha and the city of Dwarka was taken by the sea (lost city of atlantis?)

Picture information : Death of Balarama, Krishna's brother

Source: Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913). Death of Krishna